If public schools offered a high-quality education, people would be far less likely to spend thousands of dollars annually on something they could get for free. Refer to the description of 20 minute lunch periods for an example of this.

Yes, there are some incredibly crappy private schools out there (though the one at that link has actually just gone bankrupt). But young-earth kooks don't excuse 20 minutes for lunch, no recess, whole-language reading, mathematics with no wrong answers, anything-goes spelling, flipped classrooms, watered down college-track subjects (so that everyone can go to college), and all the other toxic practices that our public schools have given us.

It's up to the schools to produce a better product. This is not the job of the parents of the people they're supposed to be serving. Not that they'd listen anyway, because if you haven't spent years in the classroom you can't possibly know what's wrong with schools.

Last edited by Val; 08/30/13 01:47 PM. Reason: More detail added