Zen Scanner- If block design is timed, that would expalin a lot. He hates anything timed and it freaks him out. The tester said that he would find the right design, but not realize it was right, and keep moving things.

polarbear- Sounds like you had a great VT! Our OT does a few of those things, but they don't do anything at all like that in vision therapy. The do some things with different shaped blocks, he does something on a large computer screen, and then something with little blocks with letters and numbers. They said he does okay, until he has to think while he using his eyes, so they will quiz him on math while he does the exercises. He hates it, but it's good for him! I have to ask them to let him get up and move around in between things beause he just can't sit still that long. I've been looking into Brain Gym and I'm thinking I should incorporate some of the exercises at home. You had some great ideas- thanks!

Ametrine- Good luck with your DS and vision therapy. Let us know how it goes!

blackcat- wow, you have been through a lot. I really hope you can find someone who will be really helpful for you.

Mumof three- My DS does the same thing. That's why they missed it during the first eval. The second eval he asked if he always saw the cross, and he said, "no, but I can make myself see it if I tilt my head, squint a bit, and change the way I look at it. I thought that's what you wanted me to see."

cdfox- thanks for your input. It's helpful to hear so many experiences.