Hi everyone-

My DS6 has Sensory Processing Disorder and recently started vision therapy. He’s been in OT for SPD for a while and we have a pretty good sensory home gym and work hard to keep him regulated. When he initially began vision therapy, I noticed his sensory system went completely out of whack, and he really struggled (our whole family struggles when his sensory system isn’t somewhat regulated). He had about 4 sessions of vision therapy, but then we took a break (vacation and other reasons). He was so much better (sensory – wise). Now that we are back into vision therapy, he’s been a mess again. It is so difficult. It seems to be directly related to his vision therapy. Has anyone else noticed this with their kids who have done VT that also have SPD? I’ve asked the behavioral optometrist about it and he said, “well, maybe.” The OT said she hadn’t heard of that kind of extreme response, but she has noticed he needs much more intense work at his sessions. I’ve heard that completing vision therapy can improve some sensory issues, so I’m confused by his reaction.

He doesn’t fit the typical description of a child needed vision therapy. He’s been evaluated by two people. The first specializes in gifted kids (but is not local) and found he suppresses his right eye at a distance and alternates at near, and he has adequate depth perception, but not optimal. When we went to the local Dr., he initially didn’t find anything at all. I asked that the first evaluator call the local Dr. He had us come back in for further testing. He explained that he made several calls regarding DS and wanted to evaluate further. During the second evaluation it became clear how he missed the issues during the first test and that he did indeed have some things that vision therapy could help.

I just looked back at the notes from the different Dr.’s and found that the local Dr. found DS6 suppresses his left eye. That’s different from the first Dr. Now I’m wondering if the therapy isn’t focusing on the right thing if it will cause more of the upset with his system?

I’ve actually looked into switching Dr.’s, because I’m not a fan of the techs that do the therapy, but he is the only Dr. within an hour of us that takes our insurance.

The reason we had him evaluated is because it was recommended by the tester that tested him on the WISC-IV. His scores for Perceptual Reasoning are:
Block Design 14
Picture Concepts 21+ (did not reach discontinue point)
Matrix Reasoning 25+ (did not reach discontinue point)
Standard Score 161

The tester attributed the lower Block Design score to apparent visual confusion and slow processing speed (42nd percentile). Are these scores similar to other kids that have needed vision therapy?

I’m putting so much info here because I still don’t quite understand how it all fits together yet. It seems to me like he does need vision therapy, but that his problems aren’t too bad. Yet, vision therapy seems to have a huge impact on his sensory system, behavior, etc. Just wondering if anyone else has experience this, and if it is a normal response.

Thanks in advance for any help!