Originally Posted by polarbear
I so don't understand why it takes so long to get a report! I understand having a lot of clients, but getting so far behind in finishing up each client's work? You'll still have to do all the work eventually, so why not just do it while it's fresh in your mind? It would bug me to have all those reports just hanging! Maybe part of it is timing coinciding with the beginning of the school year...

No unfortunately, this is how long it takes around here... It took me a month to get the report from CHOP re Ehlers Danlos (and it wasn't even that long of a report). First Psycho-ed eval DS had at Dupont took *over* a month as well (and she completely missed so many things to boot). It actually doesn't surprise me at all really that it is going to take that long, it'll surprise me if it doesn't take longer really. But it is annoying.

Last edited by Irena; 09/04/13 03:56 PM.