Originally Posted by Irena
Originally Posted by epoh
Our neuropsych reported the FSIQ with the note that she did not consider it valid.

Yes that is what she said she is going to do. It's probably not a big deal either way but it's just irking me. I'd rather the focus just be on the individual indices and subtests. Tge report will probably come out as well as can be expected.

Irena, have you seen a draft of this report or a copy of a previous report from this neuropsych? My ds' neuropsych reports list the individual scores first for VCI/PRI/PSI/WM with subtest scores reported immediately under each and GAI (in the place FSIQ would normally be) below, as the last item listed for the WISC results - so the FSIQ/GAI isn't what really sticks out as noticable first or foremost, it's the long list of other scores. I'm just wondering if maybe once you see the format of the report, it won't seem quite as disheartening as it sounds?

Our neuropsych reports have also always been really really test-detail specific, so they didn't start out with "global ability" or "full scale IQ", but instead listed nitty-gritty details of "superior skill x" or "impaired skill y" etc. They've all struck me as just a bit technical because the neuropsych is following reporting conventions re terminology.

Also remember that the first time you see the report it's really a draft copy - if the words that accompany your ds' score reports don't include explanations that you think are relevant and necessary to understanding the scores, request that those explanations be included.

Best wishes,
