
They got the Cliff notes on DS9's IEP because I insisted loudly on getting a transition meeting with old/new teachers before school started, brought the IEP, and summarized from it.

Four days in school, and the (new) teacher, (new) principal and (new) case manager want to stop the one accommodation that did the most good over the past two years (the one he couldn't function without in 2nd grade, and the one that allowed the most progress on his IEP goals last year). And keep telling me how well he is doing.

Because he has grown so much, and mom is clearly being over-protective and holding him back (nothing to do with the fact nobody wants to take the time to clear the room used for said accommodation, no, nothing).

Mom is wondering if it would be worth the tear and wear on the child to show them exactly *why* we have spent 4 years getting the f@^$*cking accommodations in place.


The good thing about venting here is that now I can put the nice smile back on and go back to explain why I think it is a bad idea without sounding like a complete lunatic.