Originally Posted by NikiHarp
So then, I'm curious your opinions of the CogAT. If it is testing "learned ability" does that mean that kids who do well on the CogAT will respond well in the type of learning that takes place in a school setting but may not necessarily be gifted? From what I can tell, this test certainly won't identify levels of giftedness. Further testing would be needed for that.

Part of the reason I wanted additional testing is because I'm curious. I was totally taken off guard by the scores on his MAP and CogAT. I knew he was bright, but I underestimated him for sure. Now, I'm thinking, "what else am I missing?"

Honestly, he does well at subject based material, but he's not off the charts on his reading and math levels. I think it's his ability to apply what he's learned in multiple areas quickly and before anyone has instructed him to do so. It's also the depth of the questions he asks once something new has been presented to him. It's almost like an intuitiveness that you can't quite put your finger on. I don't even know if that makes any sense.

I don't have a sense that DS is profoundly gifted but I also have a hunch that the CogAT may not be showing his full potential...which it seems it's not even created to do. Ugh...these tests are giving me a headache. LOL.

You guys have been incredibly helpful. Sorry for all of the questions.

There has been discussion on this forum about how good of a job the CogAt is at identifying gifted kids vs. bright high achievers. (I have followed it in particular b/c my dd6 seems like a kid who may not do so well on the CogAt despite my sense that she is highly gifted) Use the search feature to track it down. That said--what you have said makes sense, and I would encourage further testing. I was suprised by the WISC results, and made a decision for my dd to skip 6th grade as a result, which was clearly the right thing for her. Without the testing I would not have known just how much more she was capable of. FWIW, when dd12 took the CogAt, she did not score nearly as highly (still gifted) as she did on WISC, and her achievement has shown WISC seems more accurate.