I've been following this thread and it has touched on something I've been wondering about--now that DD can read at a 3-5 grade level (I think her guided reading level is like Q or R, and all summer she's read books at 3-6, but also Shakespeare) what should reading instruction look like? Obviously she can read, so just getting lot of reading with new variations of syntax, punctuation, vocabulary, etc will help her. But then is it discussions about character and theme? Her school talks about "big ideas" and "frames" from Sandra Kaplan that students can use to break down the text, organize ideas, find patterns... It'll be interesting to try to catch a glimpse of reading time this year. I also got a few books from the library about gifted instruction so maybe that'll help (I'm responsible for about a fourth of her instructional time, part time homeschool). Anyone have experience with what else students might find beneficial at this point? Otherwise I'm going to keep pulling out my simplest high school techniques. But I do wonder if they'll get any good discussions going in first grade!