Originally Posted by ljoy
Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
...she COULD, in theory, compress this second year into a third, even. Using her mad PG learning Skilz, I mean. (I'm thinking that isn't a huge stretch for her, actually.)

Self-paced plus tutor (for face-to-face), covering two HS years' worth this year, seems like the option best suited to her profile - and also best suited to showing that profile to admissions departments. Would she be far enough in to show it off in an SAT II by the test date?

The German with listening is in November, and the regular one is in June, so sadly, probably not. Ideal if it were the December date, but I remembered that incorrectly.

I mean, fine for rolling admissions and open admissions timelines, but not so much for HMC, MIT, etc. where the applications are all due on or around Jan 1.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.