Thanks, Irena! Glad to hear that your son is reading so well!

Yes, it does feel good to finally have an explanation for his weird academic profile. I didn't know about Scottish Rite. That is awesome thank you for that.

He really does read fairly well. Somewhat above grade level, I would say. His comprehension is good but if he reads aloud, he will get longer words wrong. His spelling is BAAAAD. But we have begun using Sequential Spelling (wish I had known about it before) and I think it is really helping. He is somewhat below grade level for spelling, maybe one year behind.

I did engage a tutor for awhile last summer. She used an eclectic approach that included some Wilson stuff. When I first met her, I was blithering on about stealth dyslexia, and I think she thought I was "that" mom. She actually asked me if I thought he had attentional problems because during her initial assessment, he had read a passage about monarch butterflies, and had said, "Did you know we have twenty on our dining room table right now?" He meant monarch chrysalids. We raise them every summer. But she didn't know that, and the comment made her suspect ADHD. She made a note in the assessment that he had made a random, off-topic comment.

When she got to know him better, she kept on commenting about how he was so smart that it was hard to keep him engaged. She decided to finish her work with him after a month or two since he was getting really resistant, but she ended by saying that she agreed with me that there "was something."

I'll keep you posted if I learn anything new.