Oh Gabalyn - I totally know how you feel! On the one hand you're 'not crazy' on the the other hand deep down you certainly don't WANT your child to have anything 'wrong' with him/her. I have so been there. Hugs. Let me know once you've processed everything how you and your DS plan to remediate. When I was suspecting my DS has dyslexia (suspecting less and less now b/c he is reading so well and fluently), I decided to just act like he does indeed have it and treat it b/c even if he doesn't have it the interventions certainly is beneficial for everyone and can only do good (however mere "tutoring" by "reading specialists" can hurt a person with true dyslexia). However, I have had a heck of time finding accessible 'true' interventions - like certified Wilson tutors, etc. I found one but she was "under contract" by the school where she taught (AIM school) that she had to charge $90 per hour for dyslexia interventions (which a child should have twice a week) and I just couldn't pay THAT much. (I was expecting to pay between $40 and $50 per hour.) Scottish right in northeast philly area offers free, awesome intervention for dyslexia but they have waiting list and they want testing that shows that the child has dyslexia profile... plus Scottish rite is 45 minutes away AT LEAST from me (general and hour to an hour and a half depending on traffic). There are a few places that offer "tutoring" for dyslexia but I fear that it's waste if the "tutors" aren't really Wilson or otherwise certified (or so I was warned by the director at Scottish Rite).

Anyway, basically, I am curious if your tester will recommend certain places/tutors, etc. to help your DS as I know we are in the same geographical area! So let me know when you get a chance either here or pm.