Thanks SAHM, I've started to point out to DD when i am trying something new and she is taking notice! i show her things that don't work too.. eg i burnt the rice
And here's the funny thing, I also simply told her that she can say thanks if i compliment her. Why the hell didn't i do that sooner?!! Someone told her the other day her dress was pretty (usually that brings on a pout!!), but she actually said thank you to them! haha! success!! It hasn't solved every problem, but hey, one step at a time

Thanks for the link max's mom.
@Islandofapples, thanks for the advice too! Its so hard to find stuff online, then suddenly things just pop out of nowhere! turns out there IS a gifted preschool in the next town!! Only thing is, its a bit pricey. Its a bit late though, because DD actually starts her new playgroup soon, which is nearby. She is enrolled so i will just see how that goes. Maybe she will have a good experience! Like you i will probably take her out though if shes crying about it and doesn't like it.