The best thing we ever did was join a homeschool co-op that catered to gifted kids. We honestly don't hang out with people (besides my parents) very often, but when we do, it's with these families with gifted kids.
The other moms just smile and say how cute she is. They wouldn't feel threatened or act judgmental if my 2 year old sounded out words or did complex jigsaw puzzles in front of them. In fact, they'd be like "Oh, wait 'til she does this next milestone." They totally get it. And they get me, too, because they are smart quirky mamas. I can also be myself.
The main problem is that they live a decent drive from us and I think we need to find some closer kids to hang out with. DD is starting to seem like she would really enjoy some time with other kids. Older girls at the playground ignore her-- some are even nasty to her (these are just random local kids we don't know.)
Preschool wouldn't work-- they're very strict about age. We tried it for two weeks and they put her in the two year old room, which she'd still be in this year. The teacher had the classroom set up perfectly for 2 year olds. DD has hit most of the 44-48 month milestones, but she's still a two year old emotionally. She cried when I left her and I probably won't send her back.
My best tip is hunt around online and try to find groups near you with smart kids. My local natural parenting / breastfeeding groups seem to have a higher-than-average number of smart mamas with gifted children. Since many of the other children are advanced, no one's going to judge or be nasty.
Last edited by islandofapples; 08/06/13 11:15 AM.