I'm not sure I understand your " of course he dislikes school". I get that just because I liked it doesn't mean he would, but I don't think it's in any way an expected thing to actively dislike school. There are a lot of things for him to learn, in no way is he at a place where he knows it already. He is at a place where he is finally having to learning most of the time and may *gasp* have to study once in a while.

He is looking forward to middle school where all of his friends will go and he will finally have tracked classes by ability, while, yes, there will be more work, it is also different work, more application, etc labs, fun stuff he likes. AG kids can go on a 10 day trip to Europe, he's eager for it and understands he has to be trustworthy and keep his grades up...big picture is a ok, it's the everyday, get to work, remember why you are doing this that is so very hard for him. I feel bad for him not because he has to do well but because he dislikes the process so intently...no one wants their child to hate what they do daily.

Is he determined to go to college? Yes. Is that so far off, he can't really make that connection, you betcha.

He is very competitive, so the idea of being bumped out of AG or not getting into the same classes as his friends is more impactful than the lure of getting to skate by more easily. He had a very memorable experience of being put on a group project with two kids who were way below his academic abilities...that experience (of him doing all the work so the group grade was good) greatly dissuaded him from being stuck in that situation full time in middle school.

He also knows he cannot play soccer if his grades aren't commiserate.

Thx for your input, still hoping to find a chink in his armor to positively influence his aspect on school,

Shannon L.