Our oldest is now 10.5 and she is amazingly gifted in art. Her drawing ability is unbelievable! She doesn't draw all things at once - for example, if she is drawing mermaids on rocks she will draw the mermaids in their various positions and then draw in the rocks or water or boat or whatever it is that she wants them to be positioned on. She has always drawn this way - it completely throws her art teachers for a loop because they are used to kids drawing the rocks first and then setting the people on top. Her artistic creativity also extends to her being able to look at a photo and then "flatten" the thing in the photo in her mind to draw it. Once it is drawn she then cuts out her shapes and rolls them up to be the 3-d version of whatever it was she looked at in the photo to begin with. So, if she is looking at a photo of a flower she can visualize it in 3-d then "unroll" it in her mind, draw it unrolled and then roll it back up again in real life.
We also have found out in the last year that her artistic abilities also go to instrument playing - she has been playing the clarinet for a year now and is well beyond a novice level player. She can play by ear and can even take pieces from clarinet and play them on the piano - which she has never had lessons on.
Her younger sister does not seem to be as interested in art as she is, so I can't say if her artistic talents are as good.