My ds loved to draw at an early age and he was/is able to draw amazingly detailed, accurate works. When other people see them they think he's an amazing artist... I tend to see it as not so much creative talent as a function of how his brain works - he's very spatially oriented, thinks in pictures etc - hence he's able to draw accurately.

My dd otoh, is not visual-spatial at all and most likely not even gifted intellectually - yet she's an amazingly creative artist - she loves to paint, has a talent for color blends etc, she is very musical and not only plays piano but is able to express feeling through her playing - not easy to describe, but very obvious when you listen to her play vs my other kids - and she's also a very creative writer - always coming up with new and interesting stories.

So for my ds - is his artistic talent connected to his intellectual gifts? Maybe... or maybe it's simply an outward manifestation of the way his brain works... which would sorta tie back to his intellectual gifts.

My dd - amazing artist. Not so amazing at math lol!

Re did their talent stay with them as they grew - yep. In dd's case it just keeps getting better and better... probably because it's her passion and she "works" at it happily.

Best wishes,
