Originally Posted by cdfox
Cricket2 - ds has taken WISC 1st; WJ-III x2. Even Dr. Lovecky felt the scores on the WISC were too scattered and inconsistent to give her a true reflection of his abilities or potential. The first WJ-III came closer, but as I mentioned, ds blew off the math part completely (which drove me crazy).

...I do think eventually ds might qualify for DYS. I think with time, maturity, and concentrating on the special needs, he'll eventually be able to handle a tests and his fear of them.
A couple thoughts here:

I went back to look at your old posts because I can never keep anyone's situation straight and remember what the history looks like! It looks like you did the IQ testing about two years ago looking at this thread: http://giftedissues.davidsongifted....17421/WPPSI_and_DYS_help.html#Post117421

and wound up with erratic results as you mention here and in that thread:
My ds took the WPPSI test at 5.8-years-old in July. On two subtests (information and matrix reasoning) he scored 91% but on other tests they were in the average or low average range.

Overall his performance was scattered and inconsistent - so I have no score. I know my ds is a creative/visual spatial type who doesn't always perform to his capability.

It does sound like his academic performance outstrips these IQ scores by a good deal, but with scores in that range, you'd have to see a significant jump in numbers to get DYS level IQ scores. You might, like you mention, have better luck with continuing to retest the achievement and hope that that will work with a portfolio rather than trying to pair IQ with portfolio. 2e kids may have areas that will always be depressed by the second "e" on both IQ and achievement, but it sounds like the WJ has been the closer score thus far. Like others mentioned, you might want to give a shot with the EXPLORE instead, though, as he's getting closer to 3rd grade.

I'd probably focus more on the test anxiety and special needs as you are, though, than worrying about whether any testing you do will net DYS qualifying scores. If you approach it with the idea in mind that the testing is for those purposes (learning how to test without stressing and to gather more info on current functioning), rather than for DYS, it might take the stress off of you.

I think I started to question it because I keep seeing posts on this forum or others about pg kids who were in public schools (being accelerated or not). After thinking about it though, it dawned on me that these pg kids who were in public schools were most likely NOT 2e. That's a huge, huge difference - which can be easily overlooked.
I do think that is true. It sounds like you've got special needs issues that are greater than those of the kids here who are successfully making it in public schools. My older dd is accelerated in ps and has some of the dxs you mention such as dyspraxia and SPD, but they aren't disabling to the extent that it sounds like your ds' are. It also sounds like he has more dxs. My kiddo has mild issues and, really, the only major problem she has is processing speed not keeping track with her other abilities and we have been able to accommodate that as well as recognize that she isn't going to be able to take advantage of every AP class out there, for instance, not because she isn't able enough but because the quantity becomes an overload for her.

I do believe that the more 2e a kid, the less the compensation mechanisms are there, and the more atypical s/he appears socially, the harder the fit.