Aquinas I have a 7yr old, ID-ed privately, skipped quietly. And yes she knows she's bright, without being outed publicly and without being smug (mostly). But there are major obstacles we face due to the quiet, private nature of her status as gifted and as a skipped child. And that skip was really only useful for the first year, so those problems are growing, but I can't talk about it in real life because the problem is private and quiet... I just sent out birthday invited with no age because I have no idea who knows she skipped and who doesn't, and its not something I want to awkwardly wrangle the first time I talk to a parent I haven't met before!

If we had a HG school to send her to I'd be looking into it. There's a high end boys school with a gifted stream she would qualify for, but no girls equivalent in our state. Solutions like these aren't without problems either, but having it be open is really appealing right now. And now that I think about it I am pretty sure that private boys school must document that gifted stream in some manner in their newsletters and publications, along with their rowing team, plays, art, high school graduation results, etc... And that would seem reasonable to me. My DDs attended a similar tier (coed) school previously and they tended to promote activities/services of more unusual kids in subtle ways. Disabled kids would show up in sports day photos with the whole school roaring for their achievements, the gifted kids got a mention via their astronomy events... So it may well be more subtle than "here's the gifted class" but maybe not - given there actually is a gifted class...

I actually feel like my DD is at more risk of weird attention in our current hush hush scenario than if there was a class or club she was part of with actual peers...