Yeah-- weird.

Weird because it's not about meritocracy.... is it? I thought that special educational placement was about meeting student's needs, not about making parents "proud" of their kids for having those needs in the first place.

But what do I know?

Honestly-- I'd say something about this. It's not a very inclusive practice, and IMO it's likely to drive pressure on the school/district to over-identify among the kids of particularly status-oriented, pushy parents. It also sends a converse message that.. um... kids in the special ed classrooms, what, ought to be embarrassed about that? If not, then why aren't they identifying THOSE kids in the yearbook as well, eh?

~HK, who lives in a district with 1 in 3 parents claiming the mantle of 'my child is in the gifted program...' whistle

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.