I missed this topic. There is Speyer, though it isn't cheap. And Hunter. But it depends on the personality for Hunter. They like them introverted.

The problem with NYC is that there are so many kids that test 99th percentile (OLSAT) all those kids vie for the spots so it comes down to lottery. I tried for 3 years and one summer I pushed and pushed but the lottery number was too low. But DD did get into a top district G&T and I used CTY for math on the side. At school, they offered chess, computer lab, Spanish. And she also got Sat school in Chinese. The class is mostly 99th percentile so there is a decent dialogue.

Speyer is going to give you a better fit but you pay for it. My problem is that DD has an end of Sept bday. All private schools, including Speyer, wanted to put her in a grade lower because of the 9/1 cut-off. She is in grade 3 because public schools have a 12/31 cut-off. So I wasn't going to pay 35K for Speyer and have her a grade lower.

We are now moving to Toronto, I got her into the gifted (not super great) public for grade 4 and then I will do a homeschool year of combined 5&6 and then put her into U of Toronto high school that starts in 7th and is a top gifted school. And Hunter high school really works for pg.