Now that DD is older, I will sometimes make her "guess" which chores need to be completed before she can go off with her friends, go to a regular social thing, etc. I'll have a mental list of things that I think are (or should be) fairly obvious, and quite often are things that she should-- IF she has been paying attention-- have heard her dad or me refer to in the previous few days. Plus the standard things, of course.

So for example, maybe this Sunday's list is going to look like:

brush out Shetland Sheepdog
Give the dog a bath
Novice obedience work with Sheltie
mow the lawn
practice the piano
put away clean clothes

This requires that she be able to use more subtle environmental cues to remind her of information that she has heard as verbal instructions.

She might do everything on that list but work with the dog-- and then ask me "Am I done?" To which I will say, nope-- what did we talk about on Wed evening?

If she still doesn't remember, I'll give another hint or two.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.