It's a weird feeling to have the dx ... On the one hand, the whole reason we got to this point was because of the symptoms (albeit generally mild) seemed all related to me and various docs would give reasons for them that didn't seem quite right to me. It also seemed at times like people/professionals in general seemed to think I was perhaps 'off', 'overanxious' - or would 'he's fine - yeah he's not gonna be an olympic star but stop looking for trouble' king-of thing... But I kept thinking, that many of his issues, i.e. hypotonia, hypermobility, strabismus, bruxism, cavities, etc., are related. It was Lori H.'s posts and experiences that made me follow through on the connective tissue clinic recommendation. The neuromuscular doc made the recommendation and gave the referral but didn't make a big deal about it. She was like, "he's fine but you really should probably get those hypermobile joints looked at... But nothing to worry about." I think I was starting to think - oh he really is fine and I am just neurotic and expect too much from him, etc. But then, when I read Lori H's posts and experiences, I realized I have to follow my gut and take him to the connective tissue specialist and also that even if whatever he has is "mild" we still should know what it is.

So, at first I felt kind-of happy about the Dx .... Finally, I wasn't sent off being told "you worry too much, you expect too much. He's fine." Also, I am/was relieved it's this and it's mild rather than something worse. I am just this week after doing research and such starting to get really sad that he has this. It's a weird feeling.