Originally Posted by Cricket2
I guess that the major problems are erratic grades (there have been points where they drop very low and she gets them back up with a lot of support from me and second chances from teachers; I can't do this forever & her teachers won't always be so nice. This is in classes like PE too so it isn't just challenging stuff; she's blown memorization tests on things like health in PE), major issues with paying attention to detail which leads to missed questions on tests,

These all sound so much like my dd9 who has an significant weakness relative to her other strengths that impacts her ability to read - she's not dyslexic (and scores really high on phonemics-related type tests)... but she has an issue with relating sound-to-symbols... anyway, not saying that your dd has the same challenge at all, but the notes about suspected dyslexia etc combined with the paragraph above make me wonder if an eval with a reading specialist might be helpful (these are usually *much* less expensive than neuropsych evals - my dd has had 2, both cost us around $250, included a ton of different skill-specific reading tests, and gave us very specific information about what kind of program would be helpful to bolster up the weak skill set.

Another thing you might ask about (if you haven't already) is just a one-hour update with your neuropsych for just *you* - where you bring in a list of what's happening now and the concerns/questions you have, and pick the np's brain over what might be going on based on the previous eval. We've done that for our ds13 when new issues have come up and it's been helpful.

Re the forgetting to turn in homework, ds13 used to have THE toughest time with this - he was very conscientious about completing all his homework and doing it well, we both verified that it went into his backpack every night to be turned in the next day and then poof! It disappeared forever before it reached the teacher's in box. I am still not sure *what* the issue was - but think it was a combination of him just not being able to remember more than one-two things at a time in a busy moment (and at the time he was losing his homework there was a lot of busy-ness in his classroom - he was still in 5th grade, supposed to turn in the homework in a basket in the morning, as he came in, also supposed to put away everything in his cubby, get out his morning journal, and complete a writing or math prompt from the board. That was at least one too many things for him to remember independently with his level of EF skills. The next year was his first year of middle school and with different teachers and he still lost homework in all but one class - and in that class, the teacher assigned something every day, had the assignment always written on the board (she kept them up all week), and she also had a system of sending home a notice for parents to sign if the day's homework wasn't turned in. That extremely consistent system that never varied helped him figure out how to turn in his homework to her - which he was able to do well - and eventually helped him improve in other classes that were not following a rigid structure. The other thing that has helped him with organizational skills during middle school is me staying on top of it *with* him. It's still his responsibility, but for the entire first year of middle school, every day when I picked him up I asked him to go through his entire day with me, tell me what he did in each class and what his homework for that class was (if any). I also checked his locker with him every day for the first semester to be sure he was bringing home all the books etc he needed to do his homework. He didn't particularly like it, and his teachers thought it was excessive of me as a parent to do that... but the repetition worked and by the end of the year he was remembering to bring home all his books and he was consistently turning in his homework and was overall just more aware of what he needed to do. We still go through his day at the end of each day (I actually make my non-challenged kids do this too - I like hearing about their days :)), but I no longer check his backpack in the mornings to be sure he has everything and I no longer have to do the locker check because he remembers to double-check and bring home what he needs. He does occasionally slip on turning in homework, and it's helped that at his school the teachers are required to send around progress reports that list missing assignments at least once a month - this way if I see he's missing assignments he has a chance to make them up plus I can temporarily step up the mom-supervising for awhile until he gets back on track. I realize this is way more "being involved" than most parents do at this age, but it's support he needs now for weak EF skills which, from everything I've read online re other parents of kids who've been through this, will help reinforce and build the skills so that they will eventually become automatic enough for him that he can be independent. I got the idea originally from reading about a mom who had hired a college student to pick up her child after school and do those same things - go through his list of classes, list out the homework assignments with him, and do the locker check. In her case, the college student picked her son up and did this for 2-3 years during early high school, but by his senior year he was independently doing all of it and no longer needed the extra help. But that's another potentially not-terribly expensive option for helping out when you've got so many things on your plate already.

I hope it doesn't sound like I've actually got answers or anything -just trying to throw out some ideas. I think all of us who are 2e parents here can empathize with what a tough situation this is - especially when you're parenting a teen and trying to figure out whether a behavior is due to 2e-ness or due to being, well, a teen.

Hang in there!
