I guess that the major problems are erratic grades (there have been points where they drop very low and she gets them back up with a lot of support from me and second chances from teachers; I can't do this forever & her teachers won't always be so nice. This is in classes like PE too so it isn't just challenging stuff; she's blown memorization tests on things like health in PE), major issues with paying attention to detail which leads to missed questions on tests, not turning in homework (it doesn't count in middle school toward grades but it will on high school), and poor study skills.

While she may be getting by okay with all of this in middle school, I am pretty sure that these issues will be larger problems in high school. Dh described the same memory issues that dd has in college himself (and still), so they weren't outgrown in his instance.

FWIW, I'm as confident as I can be that she isn't clinically depressed. She is rather unmotivated however and comes across as seriously lazy.