I wish that I could remember all of those things that my DD said when she was little!!
At 2:
She 'needed' to learn Spanish to comfort a younger child at daycare... because he "doesn't know English" and the "teachers don't know how to help him not feel so sad."
At 4: She was convinced that people ignoring the "no food or drink" signage prominently posted at the local public library was a matter of those poor learning disabled people who could not read the signs. (I just smile every time I remember her worried, earnest expression when this occurred to her as I explained that some people have difficulty with tasks that other people find simple.)
At 4, also: Failing to verbally defend herself against a peer who was trashing her in front of a group of their agemates (basically taunting her about skills she lacked, etc-- most of which weren't even TRUE things)...
Me: "Why didn't you tell {child} off? You KNOW that what {child} was saying isn't true! Why did you let her do that to you??"
Her: "Oh, momma. {Child} just needed to make herself feel better. If I said something to her, I would just make her feel worse again. I know that what she said wasn't true. Her saying it didn't make it true. {shrug} So why would I make her feel bad for no reason?"
That one was probably THE moment that I realized that my child is eerily PG, even if most of the time, she doesn't actively seem freaky that way. It's there, just under the surface. She was born knowing what makes people tick. Thank goodness she's so kind and compassionate.