I know this is probably early to be posting, but I received yesterday the initial evaluation of my daughter's cognitive testing from the district psychologist and need some help before we have the meeting to discuss her needs.

DAS-2, her scores were presented 2 ways - one "standard," the other an "nonstandard" administration. The scores vary significantly, with the "nonstandard" all being in the 90s, notably 99+% on the Nonverbal reasoning cluster.

The nonstandard was given because of the psychologist observations of my daughter in her math class and answering "challenge" questions correctly.

However, on the test my daughter was unable to answer "easy" questions, but able to answer the more difficult nonverbal reasoning questions. There are several notes included that differences in scores of a magnitude such as these are seen in only 0.5% of samples and another one was only seen in 5%.

Does this mean that she suffers from a learning disability, such as dyslexia that holds her back?

My hunch is that she is very smart as sort of born out by this test, but that some area of deficiency is holding her back in other areas. In school, she is "grade level" in reading, but the school is concerned because her spelling is so bad, and follows none of the rules being learned. She is "the best in the class" at verbally picking up phenomes, but can seem to translate them on paper.

Any thoughts?

I have a meeting June 3 to discuss results and intervention, but am just sort of confused at this point about what to advocate for.

The end of the evaluation suggests a vision and visual-motor evaluation -- and to visit this site for parents of "those whose cognitive skills are significantly more well developed of most children their age."

Last edited by Tara M.; 06/05/13 11:40 AM.