I shouldn't even post this. It's weird and I don't know very much about it.
I have always had a very sharp photographic memory that has came and gone throughout my life. An example my mother told me was when I was 9 I visited an apartment I had visited when I was 2. Somebody else lived in the apartment. I described the furniture that used to be there. At this point in my life I sometimes get visual pictures of memories, but they're blurry and if I try to look closely at them they disappear. I can recognize what the scene was and the place or event. An example is, I just tried to think of an example and i saw a blurry photograph (literally) a photograph in my mother's photo album of a blond girl I knew at one point with our hands up on a dragon rollercoaster. It's likely that I saw that photo album three years ago, and of course I've seen it many times. Then I remembered the name of the town we lived in then. The picture was there for a second, verry blurry, and I can't be sure the rollercoaster looked like a dragon. I can be sure of the placement of the arms and the front of the rollercoaster in that scene, if I were to draw it from that flash of memory. In fact that excercise was part of how I sharpened it those years ago when I meditated on sharpening it.

When I was a teenager I practiced meditation and was able to sharpen it. It might have been through effort and intention or it might be that certain ages are more likely than others. Right now sometimes a visual memory will flit through my head. I wonder if other people don't do that (must not be if there's a word for it). If not, then what kind of memories do other people have? I also remember stories of events, it's more like knowledge. Like you know 2+2 or the story of Red Ridinghood, but it's in words not audible or visible. Is that the normal kind of memory?

Regarding the eidedict memory I know that when I try really hard or care about "righteousness" I start to have less incorrect memories. I have to judge my memories and decide it's unacceptable to get the details wrong, then my memories become more accurate and everytime I have a memory where the details are wrong it starts to stick out like a sore thumb, then I get less memories with incorrect details. There's been a couple of times in my life when these things interested me and I worked on them and I involved whoever was around me to check my progress and accuracy.
I notice that I remember things that family or long time friends don't remember, and they remember things that I don't, and we remember things differently. I remember them saying things years ago, and saying a different thing now. At the level I'm functioning at I know that I could be right or wrong or they could be. This is how normal is.

I just tried again. My brain is being literal today. I visualized another photograph. It was of my neighbors kid. The details of the kid were crisp and clear. (but now the details are gone) but while it was there the kid in the photo was clear like in highdefinition photos, the boarder was a little less clear, andI know that the photo has another kid in it that was missing in my visualization. But the details I did see was a picture perfect copy of the picture. When was the last time I saw that picture? I added some photos to an album a couple of days ago, so I probably saw it then, but I can't remember. If I sit here and think about it I can probably remember wether I saw it or not then, and either way I might ir might not remember a few days from now (without trying) exactly what was happening the last time I saw that photo.

I should probably rewrite this post for readability, but it's already embarassing enough because it seems too "woo-woo" or personal and it seems like something the internet might mock. I "shared" a facebook meme that said something like, "I'm the type of girl that will bust out laughing at something that happened yesterday.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar