It sounds like it, to me. DS6 has an eidetic memory. Although, I read that there is no such thing.

My son first showed signs when he had just turned three, and he received a box collection of 45 books. After a couple of hours, he had memorised every title and its number.

He can also remember songs and however many minutes and seconds it goes for; he can read a 250 page book and remember the exact page number of a particular passage; he has memorised the periodic table, and all the element's info; and every street in his street directory- he's a walking GPS. And all of theae things.were memorised after one occasion.

I have many more examples. I'm not an expert on this subject, I just have some experience through my son. One thing I have learnt is, an eidetic memory doesn't stop them from forgetting where they left their pen.