Originally Posted by leahchris
I think we need a multidisciplinary approach - can anyone recommend one?

My approach to cut through the "checklist" diagnoses and the subjective evaluations was to work with a practice that does what NIMH is now promoting rather than simply relying on the DSM symptom lists. Specifically we are working with a Neuro Psychiatrist who uses brain imaging through SPECT analysis which shows areas of the brain that are over or under stimulated (based on blood flow and activity). They have been doing this for decades and easily recognize patterns for the various neurological issues.

SEEING pictures of my son's brain patterns helped me be confident in his "true" and accurate diagnosis. We flew to another city to get this evaluation but we have found it more than worth the effort and cost to avoid being left wondering about the veracity. We worked with the Amen Clinics even though there were others who could do it since Dr. Amen has done quite a bit of the pioneering work with SPECT scans in psychiatric practice.