Originally Posted by deacongirl
Originally Posted by momtofour
I hope you've already heard back, but I'm guessing it had nothing to do with the content. In our system, "x" means excused, while "z" means zero due to not being received (missing assignment). If a child really gets a zero, it would just be recorded as 0 points, but that's pretty unlikely. The "z" can be handed in one day late for 20% off, or two days late for 50% off, while the "x" does not need to be made up. I think this is a pretty common grading system.

Yeah. I feel dumb, lol! I had not seen that before, but I couldn't think of any other explanation. Thankfully the teacher responded. She was absent one day and hadn't turned in some pre-writing portion of the assignment yet, but grade will not be penalized and all is fine. I also asked teacher if she thought it would be a good fit for HS to encourage dd to apply to International Spanish Academy. Dd had expressed fear that it would be too hard. I am going to put teacher's reply in ultimate brag thread b/c it is pretty braggy, lol!

Thanks for all of the feedback. I really bend over backwards to not helicopter and have dd handle things herself, but I am glad I asked the teacher directly this time and she doesn't seem to think I am too over-bearing!

I appreciate the support during my early-morning freak out...back to regularly scheduled programming and tormenting myself over when/with whom to test younger dd!

This is GREAT news!!