Oh no! I remember being that age and a zero would have been devastating. I'd be really surprised if a teacher gave a zero for a completed assignment merely because it wasn't science fiction *enough*. And, FWIW, time travel in my mind fits the bill.

Is there a chance that your daughter didn't turn it in on time? Or maybe she missed a big direction (for example, it had to be typed and double spaced and instead she hand wrote it)? Or, even worse, is there a chance that her teacher thinks she didn't do her own work. I recall at this age my niece getting a zero on a work because her teacher believed she'd plagiarized. It was worked out, thank goodness. But my point is a zero is a pretty harsh grade- so I can't help but think the teacher is addressing something other than the science fiction content.

I'm glad you sent an email. I hope it goes well and is cleared up before too long!!! And no- I don't think it's a helicopter mom move to address a zero. An 80- yes. A zero- never.