Originally Posted by MumOfThree
Quick thought, I could be wrong but it looks to me like his processing speed is declining relative to peers with age? All the processing speed tests trended down over the two year gap? The younger you are the less fast you have to be to look good against peers and cognitive ability being ahead would have given him a boost. The older kids get the more I wonder whether visual/motor speed is the bigger factor in doing well on PSI tests? Actually WMI was trending down too. Can you ask an expert about that?

That's something I was curious about, too. A frustration is that ds has been seen by different people in different settings each time. I wish I had more confidence in the results, but when I see the numbers changing so much, I don't know what to think. Last week I was toying with the idea of sending his records to A*end to review. He's good with the g and 2e issues, and he tested ds previously.