Hi Parents!

I just wanted to let everyone know we are starting the gifted girls' club this Saturday May 11th from 9 am - 9:45 am PST. We plan to meet every Saturday. Ages 8 - 12. We will be meeting online in a digital classroom. Our goals are to get gifted girls connected around the country (we even have some international interest), empower them through scholarly discussions, chat about hot topics that concern smart girls, host guest mentors (women in powerful roles), student designed service projects, and book clubs.

All girls will be involved on our blogs through Edmodo, which will be monitored by myself and two high school leaders.

This is a wonderful opportunity to get your gifted girl connected and experience an online setting that is interactive and web camera based. The club fee is $35 a month, which is very low and covers the cost of the software and the phone conference bridge.

Here is a link to the sign-up page: http://www.egifted.org/#!gifted-girls-club/c1x11

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions: egifted8@gmail.com

This is something I am very passionate about as a Wellesley Woman and I am excited to give back to gifted girls. I think this is a productive and inspirational activity for girls to do in the summer. I hope you can join us!

-Jennifer Gordievsky