Ren, your DD sounds a lot like mine. It is a pitty they cannot meet because I am certain they would become great friends.

As for the original question, I think that now DD needs the easy way concerning her needs in security and love, so when she awakes at night I comfort her and let her come to our bed. She will outgrow this need with time, and for that she needs to feel secure.
For her 'needs' concerning toys... I think she has as well the easy way. On one hand, I tell myself often that I should not buy so much stuff to her. But then I see something and I cannot avoid buying it because I think it will help to challenge DD and provide her with some intellectual growth. Even if it is a princess gown because she has a talent for acting. (I mean a real talent, not just the 'drama queen' talent).

On an anecdotic note: a friend whith a DS of the same age as DD often makes the remark about how MANY toys they both (DD and her DS) have... only her DS has one tenth of toys !!! (that's the typical Dutch way). I sometimes wonder if she knows how to count or maybe she is tying to subtly tell me something? What do you think? wink