Reading the posts about what would give our kids more: I think it is hard to go the middle way when you don't have struggles.

I hope that I give good values and create an appreciation in DD3, but then I look at her 10 pair of princess shoes and gowns and realize she didn't buy them, I did. We take her to Disney, we take her to Rocking Horse Ranch. We take her to spend the summer at the beach. At what point do I start those appreciation lessons? I am not good at middle of the road. And when my mother died, I was 16, my father canceled the SAKS credit card and made me ask for every cent. Not easy explaining to your father that you need money for Tampax. It made me get summer jobs and put myself through college. (Easier in Canada)

But that life changing moment was necessary for me to create a hunger to go after things I wanted. I cannot see how I create that hunger in DD.
