As the others have said, it's often very difficult to figure out exactly what's going on... and that's a direct cause of the way 99% of all these issues are diagnoses - observable behavior. I wish it were feasible to do brain scans on these kids to actually figure out what's going on. It's possible your child actually has a seizure disorder and absolutely nothing else wrong. It's possible she just happens to have 10 different problems. You've really got to start with a Neuropsychologist, IMO.

One thing I will say - ADHD shouldn't really be *added* to other mental health diagnoses. One of the essential features of ADHD (as defined by the DSM-IV is "The disturbance does not occur exclusively during the course of a Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Schizophrenia, or other Psychotic Disorders and is not better accounted for by another mental disorder." It's often given as a secondary (or tertiary, etc) diagnosis, though, to help people understand what's going on with the child. It's very likely your child doesn't actually have ADHD, but exhibits ADHD symptoms as a result of the other issues going on.
