Hi AtSouthDam,

Some of these things could well fall into an umbrella diagnosis. (Autism, for example, often encompasses executive functioning, attention, sensory, and anxiety issues.)

I'd say it is worth finding someone who can do a really detailed neuropsychological workup-- preferably someone who sees a lot of kids with autism and a lot of girls in their regular practice. We found the autism center of a children's hospital the most able. Because you suspect LDs as well, you want to make sure they test thoroughly to tease out what's really going on. I'd expect something like 6 hours of testing and observation, with input from you and from teachers as well.

I think it's important at this stage not to panic. Even if your DD has unusual wiring, she can still have a happy life; there are so many ways to learn to manage. Once you have answers, it will be much clearer how to proceed.
