I may be in the minority here but I tend more to the I'm so glad he has positive self-esteem side. So what if your little child responds to "You're really smart!" with "I am!". There is a difference in my mind in a young child responding with information to a question versus going on and on. I really don't want to be another voice telling him that his gift is something not to share. His differences are often glaring just opening his mouth which is why the questions usually start to begin with. I see his responses as age appropriate and try to treat them that way.

Aside from any disorders affecting social awareness,I believe that most kids start tempering this behavior on their own around 8 or so. If you have a pre-teen still not getting it then that would get my attention. My child who is definitely 2e ought to feel good and proud of the things that are unique about him. It is special to be who they are.

Last edited by HappilyMom; 04/30/13 05:35 AM.