Yeah-- I would share any of those things, but I would not share any of them with EVERYONE I know.

If that makes sense. LOL. The thing with the PSAT scores probably feels more artificial/odd to parents of younger kids because it's not part of the regular parenting landscape for y'all-- yet.

But in our group of friends/acquaintances who have high school aged kids? That kind of conversation is quite normative. Where are kids are looking at college, what majors, scholarship stuff, SAT/ACT scores, etc. ALL of that is common in conversations about kids. Sports and internships, etc.

While there is truth to the notion that test scores are about aptitude, believe me, even the most capable kids want to do their best on stuff they get no second chances on. So even a kid like mine takes the time to run through a few practice tests and tweak her approach on anything that seems to be any kind of systemic problem. So there is hard work/personal effort involved. It's more than eye color... it's also about the skilful selection of clothing and accessories that makes the most of what you have.

It makes more sense when you get there. smile

What I don't do-- other than between DH and myself-- is tack on the smarmy, insufferable "and remember, she's only thirteen!! " with or without the fist pump, that's just rude. wink LOL. Besides, that part of things IS about innate development, not anything that's she has 'earned' through her own hard work or ours, YK? That one really is like eye color or physical attractiveness relative to some cultural ideal.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.