Yes, the numbers were probably moving and trading places for him! That's great that he expressed that so clearly.

Is your optometrist a COVD? Did she or he look at things like convergence and tracking? These issues have caused members of our family to have material on a page appear to move, dance, or been seen as multiples, and can make it hard to follow from left to right across a page.

Dyslexia can also make text much harder to read. A bright child can have dyslexia and be a high-level early reader. I think you look at things like ability to read aloud (rather than silent comprehension level) and the ability to read nonsense words (this prevents one from using contextual clues and vocabulary to compensate for phonetic confusion). Dyslexics, as far as I know, commonly see images in motion and it is easy and natural for them to rotate objects. This is a wonderful skill in so many ways, but confusing and not helpful with the printed word! This is not my area of expertise, but may be worth investigating.

I haven't read all of your previous threads, so just wanted to throw these out there in case you haven't ruled them out already.