Puffin, I feel your pain. We have hit a few more roadblocks that I would like to discuss here, but apparently "many" families from our school consult this site as they all believe that their children are highly gifted + and should be receiving accommodations. (We are in one of THOSE towns.) Yet the gifted coordinator tells me that they have never actually had a PG kid in their school. So now I am understanding a bit, how the teachers see things. We are probably the umpteenth family to declare that our child is gifted and needs accommodations....but we ACTUALLY need the accommodations.

I have spoken a bit with DS regarding the plan to accelerate him. He is just so thrilled at even the prospect, it's well worth it to have shared this with him. It's also good because he is now completely motivated to get through the "boring" things he needs to do in order to really be ready to move to 4th grade in the fall (finish the times tables once and for all). This kid can understand virtually any mathematical concept presented to him (DH is math prof....so there is a lot of fun math talk), but DS is slow with computation.

Thanks for all the feedback!

Last edited by eastcoast; 04/13/13 07:53 PM.