Originally Posted by Zen Scanner
Originally Posted by ABQMom
Funny aside - the social studies teacher actually requested a sub for his class so he could attend the IEP and make sure my kiddo got into the gifted class. He said it was a much better fit for my son and that it wasn't fair to the regular ed teachers to have a child who couldn't think inside of a box constantly disrupting the class and derailing the lesson with off-the-path conclusions that were a much better fit for the gifted classroom.

I'm so glad it's all come together. It is always wonderful to hear about a teacher who totally gets it. We had a similar remark from a teacher recently: "We need to get him in the right place, because if he keeps trying to teach the other first graders division, their poor little heads are going to explode."

That is awesome, Zen.

The Sp Ed Chair thought I was going to take offense, but I laughed, because the teacher is so right. It is so hard on teachers who have 32 kids with one of them gifted and totally not marching to the right beat. So it isn't just about it not being a right fit for our children - it's also about it making things harder on everyone else in the class.