Even when he sings, he makes up songs about math.
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Are there any disadvantages to letting him run wild with this program? How far is too much? I assume EPGY's program is a complete curriculum and not something which needs to be supplemented, right?
I love the singing thing--my DD likes to make up songs too, although she doesn't make up songs about math so far. (BTW, DD9 now loves the Capitol Steps and Jonathan Coulton--both making-up-song-types, in case your DS might enjoy those too, especially maybe in a couple of years??).
We have always let DD drive the agenda--she also complained bitterly about the math at school being slow except for when a couple of *lovely* teachers gave her and a couple of the other kids individual/ accelerated lessons every now and then. So when she lacked those lovely teachers, we started EPGY and have continued with that. The curious thing is that, as much as DD complained about not getting special lessons, she often tries to 'get out of' the afterschooling EPGY lessons on any particular day--not terribly hard, but enough that it puzzles me why she asks for the advanced lessons when she then objects to actually carrying through. So I have really pushed her on carrying through on a commitment to a course of action at least to EPGY--and at least until our prepaid time expires--and then she always wants to renew. However, we do make her 30 minutes of video game time conditional on doing her daily lesson. I think generally we are all happy with this, and we have just continued with the program and are now about halfway through algebra although it is going slower than I thought it would. But as long as I sit with her and she is doing the work herself, I can't see any problem with progressing as fast as she is able and doing stuff above grade level to whatever degree might result. However, I do worry about what happens when we try to re-integrate whatever she's done with EPGY into a school math program; this is yet to come. I imagine the school would require a test of some kind to accept it for credit and I guess that is the best we can hope for. Good luck!