Originally Posted by marytheres
Originally Posted by KADmom
You make yourself and your DS's needs very clear in your emails and I wouldn't stop addressing concerns and reminders in emails simply because you're asked not to. You have every right. You're doing a great job. I like the idea of having someone with you to take notes during the meeting. And perhaps give yourself a "script" to go in with and try not to let them veer you from it. What you're asking for is not unreasonable and it's their responsibility to provide it.
Please let us know how it went...

Seriously. I can't believe he doesn't want to communicate by email anymore ... It's like who doesn't communicate by email in this day and age? I guess I can always mail actual letters LOL. But I am not going to stop putting things "in writing". I really think he is concerned because the teacher's own emails are a bit incriminating in that she basically admits to not following the IEP properly so he probably doesn't want any of them putting anything in writing to me anymore.

OO--OO!! Pick me! I know this one.

People who don't want to communicate with you in writing are responding that way because they are (oh, what's the polite term here? "weasel" seems SO harsh...) um...

mostly interested in protecting portions of their own anatomy from potential harm?

In all seriousness, the people who LEAST WANT to communicate with me in writing are mostly the people with whom it proves to be MOST essential to do so in a fairly scrupulous manner. :ahem:

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.