Hi Onion!

Welcome! This forum has been such a huge help/comfort to me since I joined. The advice and BTDT experience is invaluable.

I'm not going to be much help with most of your questions as I'm just starting out myself with DS5 in K. DS5's birthday would not have made him a candidate for early admission but I considered keeping him out a year and just starting in 1st but chose against it for social reasons.

My son loves DreamBox and he could play forever if I didn't stop him. He tends to end up playing 30min-90mins most frequently around an hour. I'm so torn on the issue of time because it is so educational and an interest of his but I'm not a huge fan of screen time. I was hoping he would eventually tire of it but after a month of playing everyday there doesn't seem to be any slowing him down. I wish you good luck as you try to find a good balance for your DD.