
Writing is her weakest part. She wrote some stories (about their summer, etc in school as part of 1st grade and it was a little above grade level (you could say 1-2 above grade for her age. But reading and Math were her forte and she is several grades above level.

One thing to consider about grade skipping. DD8 got EXPLORE sum of 76. That's DYS level. But as a 4th grader, she will not get an award from Duke or NUMATS. If she is in 3rd grade (age appropriate), she could have qualified.

She gets differentiation in Math only last year (i.e, doing Khan's academy on her own pace). This year, we moved to a different school district (me commuting >1 hr each way to work)that has dedicated GT program and she is doing 5th grade level Math and Language arts each morning. It's still not where she is but she is happy and we are staying at that level for now. The district has progressive GT program and they have more offering in middle and high schools.

We will reconsider advocating for more chalenges in a year or two.