Hi, I'm new to this forum. I'm K, mom to A(4yo girl) and M (baby girl). My daughter A is gifted, and I'm having increasing difficulties relating to other parents of kids her age. I feel bad talking about her interests, what she's been doing, etc., because it feels like bragging. She's so far ahead, even compared with the other "gifted" kids her age. I've never met another child like her. I'd love to be a part of a community, even an online one, of people who "get it".

A reads all the time. I appreciated some of the chapter book suggestions in another thread. She reads a lot of non-fiction too, and is very interested in astronomy, dinosaurs, medicine, animals, and nature.

We just signed up for the Dreambox math program, and she loves it. I don't think she'd stop for meals if we let her keep playing. How long should we let her play?

She's in pre-K now, so not too much academics,but we're going to have problems with school at some point. We're considering testing to have a better idea of her academic needs.

She has started writing poetry, and she loves rhymes and word play.

Spelling and handwriting are the two areas she is not super ahead in. Her school does "creative spelling," and she hates it. She wants to know the proper spelling. I'm considering just teaching her old school spelling.

I'm leaning towards keeping her in K next year rather than pushing for grade 1 so that she can have another year of running around in princess dresses. Grade 1 has no play time, except for recess. I think she will be done with grade 1 math within a couple months anyway, and she's about at grade 3 for reading, so I don't know how much a single grade skip would help anyway. And then there's the writing, which is really not up to snuff for anything past grade K or 1.

I could go on and on, but I'll leave it at that for now.

Nice to "meet" you all!