I agree with marytheres!
One of my dear friends is a teacher in another state, after venting to her all my frustrations/miscommunications etc with DS teacher, she told me to put everything in emails. only.
to make it only about DS. To be courteous but be the advocate...
oh- and to send cc: to Principal and any other "higher-ups", so that the Teacher KNOWs I am sending to her superiors.
So I did this. It proved to be quite effective and get everyone's attention. It also shows I am trying to be a team player, that I want best for DS, but also that I will not take any *crap*!!!
re: your situation? I would send a "follow-up" email to the Principal, just to clarify what was said... and have it in writing. Make sure to restate it is your DS only computer time- noting it is educational(you'd think they'd be glad right?) and that you are open to constructive ummmm not criticism I think, but "ideas" ? idk!
one thing? I agree with setting a limit to the time he spends on DreamBox- but I'd say 1hr a day? *most kids watch tv or play video games for at least that much time each day- your son is doing something Educational. I do not consider it harmful except when it becomes the ONLY thing he wants to do... (i mean that with my own DS i would- can't speak for you or yours

I still NEED to get my DS plugged into DreamBox