Originally Posted by Val
Originally Posted by chris1234
Originally Posted by Zen Scanner
In theory the places that hire on paper, privilege, and approved hair gel are not the places that oddball talented people want to be anyhow. There is just a disturbing bi-directional signal to noise ratio issue.


This is NOT what I was talking about!

In a vague attempt to dodge any semblance of political discourse, it was what I was talking about in relation to what Chris and HK were saying in relation to what you were mentioning in relation to the broader topic but then rerelated back to the original concern of the specific instance of one person considering entering the workforce through an atypical path with an atypical background drawn with the illustration that the entry points when approaching it from that perspective is to cut through the noise and excessive "requirements" and identify the like-minded who are actually looking to hire the very sort wanting to work for them.
i.e. bifurcation happens