just was curious if anyone else has a child who is in love with all things charts/graphs/diagrams/maps? my 5 year old seems totally infatuated with them and I was just wondering if this is unusual?! He has a huge collection on his playroom wall - just to name a few: the fujita scale for tornados, the richter scale for earthquakes, every map under the sun including a railroad map that shows all the railway systems in the US and their paths (his one bedroom wall is covered in an entire floor to ceiling wall map mural that he fell in love with online) , NOAA posters showing cloud diagrams, a weather graph in which he writes the daily weather info....He gets completely excited when we find a new one about something he is interested in...his newest thing is his interest in the Titanic history...he had to find the exact coodinates on a map of where it hit the iceburg and then in a Titanic book he learned about the SOS message being sent out by Morse code so this past week he had me help him go online and find a chart of Morse code which we had to print out and then he spent the afternoon with me "writing" (dots/dashes) messages in Morse code while he deciphered them. Everyone thinks I am nuts allowing him to put all of these advanced items up in his room but he finds them and begs to put them up. Anyone else out there with a child in love with these items and if so, any ideas on other cool sites/spots with fun charts/diagrams??

Last edited by Belle; 05/01/08 09:52 PM.